29. June 2018


The Pro Bono Team is an initiative of data and innovation consultants to bring data skills to the social sector – empowering non-profits, social businesses and their members to use data in driving important social causes.

We believe that using digital data can help the social sector to become more effective in their work: measuring success more realistically, making better use of budgets and overall taking more informed decisions. We also believe that this potential is currently not fully activated.

Combining a variety of skills from reporting expertise to data science and data education across different industries, we hope to inspire and encourage social initiatives to apply some of these perspectives to their work. We all work for TD Reply, an international business consultancy focused on data-driven innovation and marketing.

Meet the experts



Happy Mama 🙂



In love with tech­no­lo­gy and people, Diana works on bring­ing these two worlds to­get­her. She is happy to pro bono share all her ex­perien­ces on this way. Happy Mama 🙂



Happy Mama 🙂



I am a scrum master and enthusiast for optimal collaboration. I believe in increased productivity and enjoyability if it is shaped by processes and comfortable for everyone. Happy Mama soon 🙂



I am a Data Scien­tist with a back­ground in mathe­matics. I strongly believe that through edu­cation and knowl­edge sharing we can make the world a better place.



What drives Katha­rina’s en­thu­si­asm most about smart data are the people be­hind each data point. She wants to help social or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons to learn more about their target groups and how data can help along this journey.



Innovation enthusiast, in­teres­ted in hel­ping orga­ni­zations create a better future by using data-driven story­telling and trend-fore­casting in combi­nation with creative ap­proach­es to boost inno­vation.



Marketer and analyst passionate about data-driven world. At ProBono she is a part of a team sharing the knowledge to people interested in analytical and performance marketing.



Brand and online marketing enthusiast, interested in empowering clients by deriving actionable insights from their digital data and translating them into creative data-driven approaches. At Pro Bono she combines the best of both worlds, helping people with what she’s passionate about.



Keen on ex­chang­ing ideas that foster pro­found and crea­tive appro­aches to­wards data to gain in­sights and im­prove decision making.



I am Marketing data allrounder: love to analyze data, create insights and bring them alive in dashboard visualizations. Chopping projects into smaller work packages and connecting the right experts, to effectively reach a goal with minimal effort is what I do best.



I am guru of design: creating visual communications to convey messages in an effective and aesthetically pleasing manner – that is what I love the most.



Keen on combining data insights with the creative ideas in order to fashion unique and sustainable way of solution finding.

A brief history of the Pro Bono Team

Pro Bono has started in 2016 as one of the team initiatives at TD Reply, a consultancy focused on driving change through data. All these team projects reflect the members’ interests and passions – and are not related to specific clients and their projects.

We strongly believe that working with digital data and insights from data-driven approaches can help make social initiatives more effective. But we also see that leveraging this potential requires a rather new skill set from NPOs. That’s why we decided to share our data knowledge and experience to people, initiatives and organizations in the social and non-profit sector. Find out more about our our workshop concept.